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We have amazing preparations that can tickle your taste buds.
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Kandi Podi
Toor Dal Powder  |  
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Spicy lentil powder that goes great with hot rice.
₹750 /1 kg
₹375 /500g
₹200 /250g
Taste Preference
Without Garlic
With Hing
₹ 375
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Kandi Podi
Spicy lentil powder that goes great with hot rice.
₹375 /500g
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Wondering who I am?

I am grandmother.
Remember that person who always brought a smile to your face for being
the one who always heard you,
the one who loved you no matter what,
the one who laughed at whatever you said whether or not that was funny!

I am that person.

grandma says...

After our engagement, Gangadharam began visiting us. On one such visit, my mother asked him "What would you like to have dear?". Gangadharam shyly replied "Gunpowder!".

I did not understand the head or tail of that reference. But my mother went back into the kitchen nodding and smiling to get the so-called 'gunpowder'. I was super curious to know but was not interested to express my curiosity in front of Gangadharam - "can't come across as naive", I said to myself.

I hurriedly followed my mother into the kitchen and was amused to find out that it was Kandi Podi they were referring to. "Why on earth that name?", I wondered.

It has been so many years since then, but I still could not figure out the origins of the name.

Nevertheless the interesting name, Kandi Podi has always been a favourite dish of mine. Hot Rice and Kandi Podi with ghee is a combination that brings back memories of childhood.

The times when my grandmother used to grind Kandi Podi in the backyard, using the traditional wooden pestle and mortar, while my mother used to take care of roasting the lentil and other spices.

Us kids had only one job then. Sit around and eagerly wait for the preparation to be ready.

the experience of Kandi Podi

SWEET (0) SPICY (4) SOUR (2) TANGY (0)
ideal with
Kandi Podi tastes brilliant with Idli, Dosa, Upma, Pongal and Uthappa. Just take a scoop of Kandi Podi and pour a spoonful of ghee over it. The combination tastes great.
Hot Rice, Kandi Podi and Ghee are unbeatable combinations. It tastes well with all Mango variety pickles.
Try this - bread toasted with fresh cream and Kandi Podi sprinkled on top while Allam Pachhadi (Ginger Pickle) plays the role of an accompaniment. You would love it.
Ingredients Used
Chilli from Guntur
Toor Dal
Toor Dal
Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous for its Mirchi. The soil there happens to be the most conducive for the mirchi crop. We procure our mirchi from a handpicked farmland in Repalle village in Guntur District. Our farmer cultivates a specific mirchi variety that suits our spice standards.
Map used for representational purpose only. Not to be treated as an accurate depiction.

food stories

History of Pickling
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Summer mornings and sun-drying activities on the terraces are inseparable. Let's swim through the memory lanes of Grandma and know history of pickling from her perspective!
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Gandhi Jayanti
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There is a bit of Gandhi in every Indian. Be it with roads or with anecdotes, he is everywhere. On this Gandhi Jayanti, let us recollect a small story of his.
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September 17, 2022
I sat there smiling on the balcony enjoying the festive mood. My grandchildren are preparing their bicycles for Ayudha pooja with their grandfather. “Sit and try to balance yourself, Karthik”, I heard my husband encourage my grandson to cycle. And, this reminded me of my childhood. The memories of us performing ayudha pooja, our heartful talks and giggles, and the delicious prasadam!
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