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We have amazing preparations that can tickle your taste buds.
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Koora Podi
Curry Powder  |  
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An omnipotential magic mix that enhances the taste of any vegetable
₹750 /1 kg
₹375 /500g
₹200 /250g
₹ 375
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Koora Podi
An omnipotential magic mix that enhances the taste of any vegetable
₹375 /500g
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Wondering who I am?

I am grandmother.
Remember that person who always brought a smile to your face for being
the one who always heard you,
the one who loved you no matter what,
the one who laughed at whatever you said whether or not that was funny!

I am that person.

grandma says...

Koora Podi is something my mother prepared for me when I got married. Along with a steel box full of Koora Podi, she also handed me over a slip with its detailed recipe. I wasn't so keen then but that slip taught me something which eased my workload and made my day on numerous occasions.

Take brinjal, ladies finger, bottle gourd, ridge gourd or anything. All that you need to do is to add this Koora Podi and it results in a brilliant taste.

I used it on many occasions when I was hard-pressed for time with two young kids and while Gangadharam was working literally round-the-clock.

I used it on my long trips to North India. Gangadharam and I used to carry a small camp stove on which we used to cook any locally available vegetable with Koora Podi and enjoy the meal.

My son Srikanth used it when he was on an inter-university exchange program and travelled to some remote places in the North-East.

Having said that, you don't have to be hard-pressed for time or travel to remote places to use Koora Podi. Those were its benefits in extreme situations. But, it has one other great benefit - it makes any curry tasty. So, go ahead and try the influence of Koora Podi.

the experience of Koora Podi

SWEET (0) SPICY (4) SOUR (1) TANGY (0)
ideal with
Can be used with bhendi , capsicum, Aloo, And Gutthi Vankaya
Ingredients Used
Chilli from Guntur
Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous for its Mirchi. The soil there happens to be the most conducive for the mirchi crop. We procure our mirchi from a handpicked farmland in Repalle village in Guntur District. Our farmer cultivates a specific mirchi variety that suits our spice standards.
Map used for representational purpose only. Not to be treated as an accurate depiction.

food stories

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October 15, 2022
Summer mornings and sun-drying activities on the terraces are inseparable. Let's swim through the memory lanes of Grandma and know history of pickling from her perspective!
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Gandhi Jayanti
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There is a bit of Gandhi in every Indian. Be it with roads or with anecdotes, he is everywhere. On this Gandhi Jayanti, let us recollect a small story of his.
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September 17, 2022
I sat there smiling on the balcony enjoying the festive mood. My grandchildren are preparing their bicycles for Ayudha pooja with their grandfather. “Sit and try to balance yourself, Karthik”, I heard my husband encourage my grandson to cycle. And, this reminded me of my childhood. The memories of us performing ayudha pooja, our heartful talks and giggles, and the delicious prasadam!
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