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We have amazing preparations that can tickle your taste buds.
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Bellam Avakaya
Sweet Avakaya  |  
In Stock
An interesting blend of classic Avakaya & jaggery.
₹850 /1 kg
₹480 /500g
₹280 /250g
₹ 480
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Bellam Avakaya
An interesting blend of classic Avakaya & jaggery.
₹480 /500g
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Wondering who I am?

I am grandmother.
Remember that person who always brought a smile to your face for being
the one who always heard you,
the one who loved you no matter what,
the one who laughed at whatever you said whether or not that was funny!

I am that person.

grandma says...

"Ask for Bellam Avakaya. Trust me it will be sweet". Gargi was advising Kartikeya, my youngest grandchild.

"But Avakaya is spicy, let us try sugar", whispered Shruti with a fake expression on her face.

"Arre, Bellam Avakaya has jaggery. It is sweet and a little spicy at the same time. It is very very tasty". Gargi was a bit frustrated as Shruti was not letting her influence Kartikeya.

She looked at Kartikeya and said, "You are not my brother if you don't ask for Bellam Avakaya". She turned to the other side with folded hands indicating her stand sternly.

Kartikeya was super confused, he joined the breakfast table late and even before he could realise why, the sisters were making the pickle choices for him.

A moment later, he pleadingly looked at Gargi and said "ok". Gargi swiftly turned to him with an ear-to-ear smile and shouted loudly "Grandma! Karthikeya is asking for Bellam Avakaya! That is his final choice it seems".

Now a little backdrop - Gargi and Shruti went into an argument on what to eat with Upma. Gargi wanted Bellam Avakaya while Shruti wanted just sugar. I intervened and asked them to wait till Karthikeya joins and then whatever he chooses would be final. They had to agree.

Now I know who is a better lobbyist among my grandchildren!

the experience of Bellam Avakaya

SWEET (2) SPICY (2) SOUR (0) TANGY (2)
ideal with
Try it with Minapapottu Wada, Utappa, Pongal, Bombay Ravva upma, Masala Dosa, Poha and many more
Bellam Avakaya elevates the taste of dal preparations like Tomato Pappu, Mudda Pappu, Sorakaya Pappu and of course Curd Rice.
The tangy, sweet and spicy mixture of tastes can comfortably replace the Tomato Ketchup while having your Sandwiches or Kebabs.
Ingredients Used
Mango from Nooziveedu
All Avakaya varieties have one common ingredient among them... The mangoes of Nuziveedu. Often referred to as the heaven of mangoes, the soil of Nuziveedu is the best possible land for growing mangoes. It’s potent and favourable for the cultivation of the lakhs of mango trees, from which we handpick the finest
Map used for representational purpose only. Not to be treated as an accurate depiction.

try with

Toor Dal Powder
Spicy lentil powder that goes great with hot rice.
₹ 375 /500g
₹750 /1 kg
₹375 /500g
₹200 /250g
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Sesame Seeds Powder
Aromatic roasted sesame seed powder that tastes therapeutic.
₹ 375 /500g
₹750 /1 kg
₹375 /500g
₹200 /250g
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food stories

History of Pickling
October 15, 2022
Summer mornings and sun-drying activities on the terraces are inseparable. Let's swim through the memory lanes of Grandma and know history of pickling from her perspective!
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Gandhi Jayanti
October 2, 2022
There is a bit of Gandhi in every Indian. Be it with roads or with anecdotes, he is everywhere. On this Gandhi Jayanti, let us recollect a small story of his.
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September 17, 2022
I sat there smiling on the balcony enjoying the festive mood. My grandchildren are preparing their bicycles for Ayudha pooja with their grandfather. “Sit and try to balance yourself, Karthik”, I heard my husband encourage my grandson to cycle. And, this reminded me of my childhood. The memories of us performing ayudha pooja, our heartful talks and giggles, and the delicious prasadam!
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No Preservatives
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